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The township provides services to residents including township highway roadway maintenance, maintenance for hike and bike trails along township highway roadways, storm water drainage system maintenance within the right-of-way, chipping of tree limbs and branches, curbside recycling pickup, seasonal leaf pickup, Christmas tree pickup and fire and EMS services.  The Portage County Solid Waste Management District provides curbside recycling pickup. Franklin contracts with the City of Kent Fire Department to provide fire and EMS services and with the Portage County Sheriff’s office for additional policing services.  Franklin also contracts with a private business for leaf pickup.  



We will be doing some paving this year in various areas.  Updates to come!


BRUSH CHIPPING:  This year's chipping program begins the first week of April and continues every other month through October.


Hudson Road Improvements have been broken up into several phases. The final stretch of repairs and paving should be done this summer.  Bike lanes to the Kent city limits may come later, and if so, they will tie into the Hike and Bike Trail at the intersection of Hudson and Judson Road. signs.jpg

Each year, Franklin Township sponsors a leaf pick-up. Loose leaves are gathered from the road edge, and transported to nearby mulching facilities where they are recycled into leaf mulch, a nutrient-rich humus.



   Click here for the 2025 Leaf Pickup Schedule     


Ditch Enclosure Permit


Franklin Township is responsible for the installation and maintenance of ditch pipes that are necessary to ensure the safety of vehicles or pedestrians using the roadway.  The installation and maintenance of all other ditch pipes is the responsibility of the property owner.  Franklin Township requires property owners to complete an Application for a Ditch Enclosure Permit and pay a $25 permit fee prior to installing or repairing a ditch pipe.  The completed application should be sent to the Township Administrator for review by the Road Superintendent. Construction or maintenance of the ditch pipe cannot begin until the applicant has received written approval from the Road Superintendent.  


Roadway Work Permit


Franklin Township residents who are planning to perform any work within the right-of-way or any construction work that may disturb a roadway or bike path must contact the Franklin Township Road Superintendent to determine if a Right-of-Way Use Permit Application is necessary.  If the permit is necessary, a completed Application and a $25 permit fee must be sent to the Township Administrator for review by the Road Superintendent. Work cannot begin until the resident has received written approval from the Road Superintendent.

Procedure for NPDES Permit Issuance

In addition to a Right-of-Way Use Permit Application and $25 permit fee, applications for NPDES (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System) will adhere to the procedure found here.


The Franklin Township Brush Chipping Service is provided to assist Township residents dispose of storm damaged tree limbs, branches, brush and debris and natural Christmas trees. It is also provided to assist residents in the removal of limbs and branches pruned by the residents themselves. Franklin Township will not pick up tree materials that have been cut and placed out for pick up by a contractor.  This service is for storm limbs and light tree pruning.  


Chipping will be the first week of every OTHER month: April, June, August, and October.  The Trustees have placed a 30 minute chipping time limit for each stop. The chipping crew will stop chipping after 30 minutes. The crew will return to the interrupted stop to  perform additional chipping if time allows at the end of the chipping schedule.


The Township provides this service after storms and during the beginning of every other month from April through October.  Check the calendar for specific dates for the chipping service.  Limbs and branches should be placed curbside by Monday 7:30 am of the chipping week.   A week or two after the Christmas holidays, the Road Crew will also spend a few days driving around neighborhoods and chipping up natural Christmas trees that are left at the curb. 


To ensure tree limbs and branches and Christmas trees will be chipped please observe the following. 


Place cut material in the right of way near the road with the cut end facing the road. Do not place material in the roadway or across bike trails. Arrange material in neat reasonably sized piles. 


The following materials are not accepted for chipping. 

  • Tree materials cut and placed out by a contractor

  • Finished lumber

  • Grass clippings, plants with thorns (hawthorns, rosebushes, etc)

  • Flower /vegetable garden materials

  • Fruit on tree limbs

  • Tree material greater than 8 inches in diameter

  • Stumps or branches with dirt on them

  • Fire wood sized cuts of trees (these can jam the chipper)



ALWAYS the last weekend in April

The Franklin Township's annual spring cleanup is scheduled for April 25 and 26th.

Acceptable Items Include:
Large appliances with freon removed, doors removed, wooden/ metal furniture, wooden/metal chairs, couches, batteries, lawn mowers, car parts, windows, wood, metal, wood/metal poles, washing machines, dryers, T. V’s and general trash.

Unacceptable Items Include:
Hazardous waste, chemicals, fuel, oil, paint, and appliances that contain freon.

Tires will be accepted for .50 cents per tire, exact change only.

Franklin Township residents enjoy bi-weekly curbside recycling provided by the Portage County Solid Waste Management District.  Follow this link to determine your recycling pick up day:

Portage County Solid Waste Management District


3588 Mogadore Road, Kent, Ohio 44240 (330) 678-8808


Acceptable Items for Curbside Pickup

  • Aseptic containers

  • Cardboard- Clean Corrugated 

  • Chipboard or paperboard (shoe boxes, cereal boxes, etc)

  • Plastic all containers with the number 1 and 2 on them.    Please rinse them out.

  • Glass Jars and Bottles- Please rinse them out

  • Aluminum, steel and bi-metal cans from food and beverages- also must be rinsed out.

  • Paper- Newspapers, magazines, catalogs, office paper, junk mail.



Franklin Township maintains the majority of roadways within the boundaries of the township.  However, both Portage County and the state of Ohio are responsible for some of the roads within the township.  If you have questions or concerns about these roadways, please contact the appropriate agency.


Portage County Maintained Roads – Contact the Portage County Engineer’s office at 330-296-6411


Brady Lake Road

Dawley Road

Diagonal Road

Ferguson Road

Lake Rockwell Road

Newcomer Road

Overlook Road

Ravenna Road

Redbrush Road

Summit Road


State of Ohio Maintained Roads – Contact ODOT District 4 at


State Route 43

State Route 59

State Route 261

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