Chase Park is conveniently located on 5891 Rhodes Rd in Kent, Ohio.
- Hours for Chase Park are from dawn to dusk.
- The pavilion is available for family reunions and celebrations on a first come, first served basis.
- The pavilion may be reserved ahead of time by contacting the Township Hall at 330-673-2194.
On an amazing 10 acres of beautiful wooded land, Chase Park is home to newly installed Gametime playground equipment, basketball court, gazebo, a handicapped accessible ParCourse fitness course, pavilion with picnic tables, open sports field, wooden walkway over natural water outlet.
"The Kent City Schools and Township Schools consolidated in 1960. In 1969, the School Board bought 10 acres on Rhodes Road for a future junior high school. Eventually, they found the site too small so turned it over to Kent Parks. In 2002, the Township took over the 10 acres, discussed plans at neighborhood meetings, and here we are today! "
-- Edith Chase
The gazebo was truly a community effort. Under the supervision of teachers Don Titko and Joe Paolini, students in Roosevelt High School’s Home Remodeling program designed and constructed this enjoyable gazebo so parents can relax while watching their children on the playground. The students put a lot of thought and effort went into this project to ensure the gazebo is around for many years to come. The gazebo was dedicated to John “Jeep” Hayes, an employee and Road Superintendent for almost 30 years, when he retired in 2005.
There is ample parking in our newly paved parking lot and room for bikes for the bikers.
* Visitors are reminded that the Ohio Revised Code 955.22 requires that except when lawfully engaged in hunting, the owner or handler of a dog shall not fail at anytime to keep the dog physically confined or restrained by a leash, tether, etc. to prevent escape and to keep the dog under reasonable control.

Richard and Edith Chase were the first family to live on Caranor Dr. when they moved to Franklin Township in 1958. As they watched the area develop in the 1960’s, they urged the township to look ahead and plan carefully for future land use. Their efforts resulted in the appointment of the Zoning Commission with Dick as Chairman. The Commission was instrumental in rewriting Franklin Township’s Zoning Resolution, which went from a small booklet to its current 100+ page manual, first adopted in 1969.
Even after Richard’s death in 1976, Edith’s knowledge on land use continued to grow while serving as Township Zoning Inspector from 1978 to 1990 and again from 1995 through 1998. To this day, she continues to be actively involved in preserving the many natural areas within Franklin Township and surrounding communities. She is a respected member of this community and a valuable asset to all of the residents of Franklin Township. The Trustees were delighted to dedicate this park in honor of Richard and Edith for their contributions over the years!
The Township wouldn’t financially be where it is today without the good judgment, wisdom, and forecasting abilities used by Ken and Nena during their many years as Clerk of Franklin Township. Ken actually began as a Trustee in the early 1970’s when he stepped in and completed an unexpired term. He served in many different capacities, including Chairman of the Board of Zoning Appeals, until January 1, 1980 when he was elected to replace the retiring Clerk, Charlie Walker. Ken saw many changes over the years including the transition from ledgers and journals to computers and spreadsheets.
The Township was fortunate Nena was elected to fill Ken’s position when he retired in 1996.She continued to lead the Township on a financially solid path until her retirement at the end of her term on March 31, 2000. With both of them now retired, they looked forward to enjoying their Florida vacations, yard work and swimming.
However, Ken came to the rescue when the Township needed an interim Clerk in 2001 through March 31, 2004. Both Ken and Nena have become a vital source of knowledge in training his successor, Janet Hughes, and her successor, Sue Lucas.
Their dedication and commitment to this community and its Trustees has made a vast difference in the lives of the residents of Franklin Township. The Trustees were pleased to be able to dedicate the Pavilion at Chase Park as the Hankin’s Pavilion.
Ash Thornton applied for an equipment operator position in 1967 and was so well qualified the Trustees hired him as Road Superintendent. With their approval, he built the road program into what it is today. (He and his crew literally built the Township Garage located on Ravenna Road.)
Some of his many responsibilities included overseeing and working on paving the roads, ditching, mowing berms, and plowing snow. It was during Ash’s tenure that the Kent Park neighborhood was developed,and the Township crew was responsible for clearing woods so streets could be created.
His guidance was also instrumental in the clearing of what is now Phillip’s Park. Road Superintendent until his 2005 retirement, Jeep Hayes, had the privilege of working under his supervision until Ash decided to retire in 1995. Ash now enjoys “putzing” around the house and being home to help his wife, Wanda, their children and grandchildren when needed.
The Trustees were proud to be able to dedicate the new road in the Park to the man that helped build and maintain so many miles of roads within the Township.