Designed in the likeness of a public building that stood in Hartford, Connecticut, the Franklin Township Hall was built in 1837. It was used as an office for the Franklin Silk Company; after the company failed, the Franklin Township Trustees completed the Franklin Township Hall in 1840.
Franklin Township provides specific services to its residents. The Franklin Township road crew provide efficient and effective services in a timely manner.
Contact this department for right-of-way permits, road improvement schedules, chipping schedules and more.
We provide contact information for all of our zoning boards, maps, and a detailed list of zoning codes.
Effective immediately, the Zoning Inspector meets by appointment only. To schedule an appointment with Mr. Ciccozzi, please call 330-673-2194 ext. 2
If you have questions that have not been answered on the site, please feel free to contact us.
Our office hours are Monday - Friday, 1:00 to 4:00 at Township Hall and Monday - Friday 7:00 am to 3:30 pm at the Township garage.
Contact Us
Fire FAQ

Zoning Fees
Swift 911
A high speed notification program with the capability of rapidly delivering recorded warnings to the entire community, via telephone, email, text or pager.
Portage County Health District
The annual spring cleanup is scheduled for April 25th and 26th.
Acceptable items include: Large appliances with freon removed, doors removed, wooden/ metal furniture, wooden/metal chairs, couches, batteries, lawn mowers, car parts, windows, wood, metal, wood/metal poles, washing machines, dryers, T. V’s and general trash.
Unacceptable Items Include: Hazardous waste, chemicals, fuel, oil, paint, and appliances that contain freon.
TIRES will be accepted at a cost of .50 cents per tire, exact change only will be accepted.
The Portage County Engineer’s Office closed the Judson Road Bridge over the Wheeling and Lake Erie Railroad in Franklin Township on January 14, 2025. The harsh winter has accelerated the deterioration of the bridge deck and superstructure. Over the last several weeks, our bridge engineers have been evaluating potential repair options, and unfortunately, it has been concluded that the bridge must stay closed in the interim, while our major rehabilitation project commences with construction this summer. Portage County Engineer, Larry Jenkins, said that the Engineer’s Office was successful in obtaining Ohio Public Works Commission (OPWC) funding through District 7 in 2024 to help offset the cost of the bridge superstructure rehabilitation and deck replacement project. The Engineer’s Office is scheduled to advertise for bids in early Spring 2025 and have the replacement completed in the Fall of 2025. The total construction cost is currently estimated at $730,000, and the Commissioners accepted $314,800 in grant funding from OPWC in 2024. The completed plans are currently under review by the railroad to ensure there will be no disruptions to the rail service. If there are any questions about the project, please contact Mike Collins, Project Manager, in the Engineer’s Office at 330-296-6411.
Chipping begins the first week of April and continues the first week of June, August, and October.
Click here for the recycling schedule to see when your recycled materials will be picked up, plus other great information.
Effective Immediately, zoning business is by appointment only. Our Zoning Inspector does not have set office hours due to his varied responsibilities. Please call 330-673-2194 extension 2 to set up an appointment with Mr. Ciccozzi.
Hudson Road Improvements have been broken up into several phases: The final stretch is going to be repaired and paved next summer, but bike lanes will not be added right away. Eventually, bike lanes may be added to the Kent city limits.
A Community Paramedicine Provider (CPP) is a paramedic/RN that works to increase access to primary and preventive care and increase the quality of life for the residents in our community. A CPP can assess your home for safety hazards, provide health assessments and chronic disease monitoring, coordinate health services, provide referrals to community resources, provide hospital follow up care, organization of new and current medications, and educate on identified health care goals. For more information, please contact Sara Slanina at 330-676-7393 or for more information please click here.
If you are old enough, you might remember that most homes had burn barrels where you could burn trash, leaves, or just about anything you wanted to get rid of. Times have certainly changed. The township does not allow open burning. Click here for a very informative video that explains the reasons why open burning is so bad for you and your neighborhood.
Even though state law allows consumers to discharge 1.4G fireworks on certain dates and times, political subdivisions (villages, cities, townships or counties) can ban the use of fireworks within their boundaries. The Franklin Township Trustees have elected to continue to PROHIBIT the discharging of fireworks in Franklin Township. For more information, please visit our Fire Inspectors page.
PARTA's Connecting Communities study was sponsored by AMATS and conducted in cooperation with the City of Kent and Franklin Township. The study evaluates existing conditions along State Route 59 from Horning Road in Kent to State Route 261 in Franklin Township. It recommends pedestrian, bicycle, and transit improvements along this approximately 0.9 mile corridor which is mostly located in Franklin Township.
Some good news about the Ravenna Road Bridge that is Closed
Effective 12/21/2017 Ravenna Road Bridge # 248 was closed over the Norfolk Southern Rail Road Tracks (Near Towner's Woods in Franklin Township.) This was an indefinite closure until this week when the Portage County Engineer's Office made an announcement that work will begin next year. They are also asking for public comments and ideas. To read the press release and learn how you can provide a comment, click here.
Mental Health and Recovery Board of Portage County
The Mental Health and Recovery Board of Portage County is planning to start holding
open meetings for Community Health Assessment and Improvement Plans. If you are interested in participating or learning, click here.
Are you ready to recover?
Call the Portage Addiction Helpline at 330-678-3006. Treatment works and is available. Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid that can be up to 50 times stronger than heroin. Fentanyl has been found in heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine, and other prohibited drugs. Fentanyl test strips and drug testing education helps people be aware of the danger of fentanyl presence and their risk of overdose. The Mental Health & Recovery Board of Portage County is sponsoring a program that provides for fentanyl test strips being made available upon request. The strips will allow users to test heroin or other drugs for fentanyl which will prevent or at least reduce the number of overdoses. The information and a few test strips are available at Town Hall 2 located at 155 S. Water St. Kent.
Also, click here if you are looking for an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting in the area.
Are you looking for something to do?
Click here for recreational opportunities in Portage County. Click on the Portage County tab, and then click on any activity that sounds like something you feel like doing!
Don't be Victimized by Phone or Email Scammers
There has been a surge in scam phone calls and emails in the area requesting money from the person being solicited. Here are signs of a scam:
Being asked to wire money to a stranger or friend in need
Being selected for a mystery shopping job, especially if you never applied
Pressure to “act now!”
Being asked to buy a prepaid money card
Sending money in advance to secure or insure a loan
Winning a contest you’ve never heard of or entered
Having to pay a fee to receive your “prize”
Requests for your personal information
Requests for a large down-payment
A company that refuses to provide written information
Township Office has regular office hours of 1-4pm Monday through Friday, and the garage and zoning department will be open by appointment only.
Contact David Akerley at the Road Department at 330-673-6222 or 330-673-2194 ext. 1
For Zoning issues contact Joe Ciccozzi at 330-673-2194 ext. 2
If you would like the Trustees to address a concern or question at the meeting, please call the Township Hall at 330-673-2194 between the hours of 1- 4 pm on the Monday before or the day of the meeting or email the township offices at franklintwpadm@gmail.com before 3 pm on the day of the meeting. Please include in the subject line: For Trustee Meeting. If you would like minutes of the meeting, please communicate that also. Draft minutes will be available approximately one-two weeks after the meeting.
Need Wood Chips?
Call the Township Garage @ 330-673-6222. Free delivery. Township Residents only.